Look For; The Union Libel
Friday September 22, 2000
- TITLE: "Look For; The Union Libel" A pun on the first line of the famous International Ladies Garment Workers' Union song, "Look For; The Union Label." Of course, if you live in Australia, it sounds correct as written.
- "… Ma Joad." The Tom Joad's mother in Steinbeck's "The Grapes of Wrath."
- "...er, USA's ..." The style book of USA Today never allows the use of the word America. It is always "the USA" as in "USA Today."
- "… lyrics"
Lyrics to the ILGWU Jingle
Look for, the union label,
When you are buying a coat, dress or blouse.
Remember somewhere,
They're people sewing,
Their money going,
To feed the kids,
And run the house.
We work hard,
But who's complaining?
For in the ILG we're earning our way.
So, always look for
The union label.
It means we're able
To make it in the USA!
- Mullings "Catchy Caption of The Day"
"You know what it is, a "briss?"
- "… turn down the sound on your TV …" US television newscasters, in a futile effort to inject some sense of excitement into the coverage of the Olympics, instruct viewers to turn down the sound on their TV sets if they don't want to learn the winners in events to be discussed prior to watching the taped coverage later in the evening.
- "Shameless Joe" Lieberman. A pun on "Shoeless Joe" Jackson, one of the eight players banned from baseball because of the 1919 Black Sox Scandal. One version of his nickname goes thus: Early in his career, he had a new pair of spikes that raised blisters on his feet. The next day, the story goes, his team was short of players and Joe had to play which he did in his stocking feet. He ripped a triple in that game and a fan noticed he wasn't wearing shoes and hollored "You shoeless son of a gun!" A sportswriter picked up the phrase and began calling him "Shoeless" Joe Jackson.
- "Ah, Bach."
From a M*A*S*H episode in which Radar O'Reilly, trying to gain the affections of a nurse is given instructions on matters of the heart, poetry and fine music by Hawkeye, et. al. When Radar asks how to respond when the nurse wants to discuss her favorite composer, Johann Sebastian, he is instructed to smile, nod and say deamily, "Ah, Bach."
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