A Son of Privilege

Rich Galen Friday, September 17, 2004
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- "� More Rather Irritating Rather Stuff ,,," In 2001, Dan Rather attended an event in Austin, Texas which was a fundraiser for the Travis County (the county in which Austin is located) Democratic Party. At the time, Rather's daughter was thinking about running for Mayor of Austin.
Austin, Texas is so Liberal it makes the Univerisity of Wisonsin in Madison look like Bob Jones Universith in South Carolina.
Here's the link to the whole sordid Rather as a fundraiser for Democrats story.
- Mullfoto of the Day
Major Mike Gilroy presenting a plaque after my
speech to the ROTC cadets at Boston University last
night. Just getting a chance to speak to those young men and women was way more than thanks enough.
- Catchy Caption of the Day
Actual Caption:
"Three-year-old Sophia Parlock cries while seated on the shoulders of her father, Phil Parlock, after having their Bush-Cheney sign torn up by Kerry-Edwards supporters on Thursday, Sept. 16, 2004, [during a rally for Sen. John Edwards] at the Tri-State Airport in Huntington, W.Va"
And you wonder why President Bush is going to win?
(AP Photo/Randy Snyder)
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