Rich Galen Wednesday, September 15, 2004
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- "... Dan "What's the Frequency, Kenneth" Rather...": From the E! Online website: In 1986, Dan Rather was chased, pummeled and kicked on a Manhattan sidewalk by a well-dressed man who kept asking "Kenneth, what is the frequency?"
Here's the link to the whole "Frequency" story - there really was a guy who beat Rather up.
- "� Manual Typewriter ,,,"
 There was a time, before word processors, before laser printers, and before electric typewriters when you had to press the individual keys - hard - and a little hammer came up from inside the machine, pressed against a piece of ink-coated ribbon, and made an impression on a piece of paper.
Quaint, huh?
The machine pictured above is called the "Sholes & Glidden Type Writer," and it was produced by the gunmakers E. Remington & Sons from 1874-1878.
The layout of your computer keyboard called a "QWERTY" layout (because of the layout of the first six letters in th upper-left-hand side of the keyboard) was designed that way by Mr. Sholes to slow down fast typists! If proficient typists pressed the keys too quickly, the hammers couldn't retract fast enough and they would get tangled.
 In 1936 August Dvorak designed a keyboard to maximize efficiency (by placing common letters on the home row), and make the stronger fingers of the hands do most of the work.
- Catchy Caption of the Day
Their Guy Our Guy
(Gore Photo: AP Photo/George Widman Bush Photo: Jason Reed/Reuters)
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