The New Jerusalem

Wednesday, September11, 2002
NOTE: Here is a link to a page of MullPhotos taken at the
ceremony commemorating the September 11 attacks at the Pentagon.
Be warned - it has 13 photos and will take some time to load on a dial-up line.
- TITLE: "The New Jerusalem" From the Carly Simon song, "Let the River Run" which won the
music trifecta in 1989: an Oscar, a Golden Globe, and a Grammy for "Working Girl"
which starred Harrison Ford, Melanie Griffith and Sigourney Weaver.
Here are the lyrics:
We're coming to the edge, running on the water
coming through the fog, your sons and daughters
Let the river run
let all the dreamers wake the nation
Come, the New Jerusalem.
Silver cities rise
the morning lights the streets that lead them
and sirens call them on with a song
It's asking for the taking
trembling, shaking
Oh, my heart is aching
We're coming to the edge, running on the water
coming through the fog, your sons and daughters
We the great and small
stand on a star
and blaze a trail of desire
through the darkening dawn
It's asking for the taking
Come run with me now
the sky is the color of blue
you've never even seen in the eyes of your lover
Oh, my heart is aching
We're coming to the edge, running on the water
coming through the fog, your sons and daughters
It's asking for the taking
trembling, shaking
Oh, my heart is aching
We're coming to the edge, running on the water
coming through the fog, your sons and daughters
Let the river run
let all the dreamers wake the nation
Come, the New Jerusalem
The line: "The sky is a color of blue you've never seen in the eyes of your lover." is exactly what the sky over Washington, DC looked like last September 11.
The sky over the Potomac River yesterday was not quite as clear.
- "... metes ..." From Merriam-Webster's unabridged:
Function: transitive verb
Etymology: Middle English meten, from Old English metan; akin to Old Saxon metan: to measure,
Old Frisian meta, Middle Dutch meten, Old High German mezzan to measure, Old Norse meta
to value,
Gothic mitan to measure, Latin modus measure, moderation, manner, meditari to meditate, modestus
modest, moderari to moderate, Old Irish midiur I judge, Greek medesthai to be mindful of,
medimnos grain measure; basic meaning: to measure
1 archaic a: to find the quantity, dimensions, or capacity of by any rule or standard : MEASURE
(metes the thin air and weighs the flying sound -- George Crabbe died 1832) b : to determine the value of :
APPRAISE (a pattern or a measure ... by which his Grace must mete the lives of others -- Shakespeare)
2 : to assign by measure : deal out : ALLOT, APPORTION -- usually used with out (mete out punishment)
(so has my portion been meted out to me -- Oscar Wilde)
A soldier's tomb
(MullPhotos: Rich Galen)
The Tomb of the Unknown Revolutionary Soldier is located in the cemetery behind the Old Presbyterian Meeting House at 321 S. Fairfax
in Old Town Alexandria, VA.
Here are the Mullings from the post-September 11 period of last year:
September, 2001
09/12/2001 - The Death of Simple Things
09/14/2001 - Our Flag Was Still There
09/15/2001 - One-Sixty-Four
09/17/2001 - Ask Not ...
09/19/2001 - Collateral Damage
09/21/2001 - We Will Not Tire. We Will Not Falter. We Will Not Fail.
09/24/2001 - Commonplace
09/26/2001 - Find Them
09/28/2001 - Sky King
October, 2001
10/01/2001 - Mayberry
Travelogue - Virginia Car Tax
10/03/2001 - Come Fly With Me
10/05/2001 - Be Careful What You Wish For
The Atlanta Travelogue (the day Reagan National Airport re-opened):
Part 1: The Trip to Reagan National
Part 2: Getting Through Reagan National
Part 3: The Flight to Atlanta
Part 4: Atlanta: The Home of the Braves
and the Land of the Free Local Calls
Part 5: I Find the Lines
Part 6: The Plane to Washington
10/08/2001 - And Now, the Taliban Will Pay a Price
10/10/2001 - I'm Not Gonna Tell You
10/12/2001 - Modern D-Day Coverage
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