Terms of Endearment
Wednesday September 6, 2000
- TITLE: "Terms of Endearment" The title of a 1983 movie which starred Shirley MacLaine and Jack Nicholson. Also, of course, a reference to the "He's a Major League A-hole" remark by George W.
- "Major League New Yorker." There is almost nothing worse a Texan can say about someone than "he acts like a New Yorker." From a Forbes' Magazine article about Pace Picante Sauce:
"[Pace foods chairman Kit] Goldsbury also introduced a series of now-famous television spots in which a group of cowboys threaten to lynch their chuck wagon cook for serving them salsa made in New York City."
- Here is a photo of Adam Clymer:
- "…Since Bill Bradley decided to sit out …" Bradley, perhaps because of persistent health problems, failed to respond to Gore's attacks on his voting record and on his approach to health care - most of which match up almost exactly with Joe Lieberman's.
Mullings Catchy Caption of the Day
Simon Says Put Hands on Head!
- "Neville Chamberlain …" Chamberlain had gone to Germany to meet with Hitler in an attempt to stave off World War II which had not yet attained its own number. Chamberlain engaged in an activity which became known as "appeasement" and said he had reached an accommodation with Hitler which would result in "Peace in our time."
- "Randy Galloway." A sportswriter for the Fort Worth Star-Telegram. Here is his column from Sunday.
- "French truck drivers and farmers …" The French have long held that Jerry Lewis is a comedic genius. Which makes the French very funny.
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