Press Secretary 101

Wednesday, August 27, 2003
- TITLE: "Press Secretary 101" Being a press secretary isn't hard. It is, however, demanding. Is that an oxymoron?
- "... Subscription Drive ..."
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- "...Financing a Campaign..." Here's the link to the first column in the series Financing a Campaign and a link to the UPDATE to that column which is Fundraising on the Internet.
- "� Quayle and Gingrich �" I was Dan Quayle's press secretary when he was a Congressman, through his first Senate campaign which was against 18-year-incumbent Birch Bayh in 1980, then for about a year-and-a-half in the U.S. Senate.
I was Newt's press secretary when he was elected House Republican Whip in 1989. I was succeeded by Tony Blankley who is now the editorial page editor of the Washington Times.
- "� Press Release �" During one of my lives I co-managed an outfit called "The American Campaign Academy." One of the on-going duties of the students was to write a daily press release about a topic I put on the blackboard. It had to be on my desk by 9:00 am.
Following the conclusion of their therapy, many students have said the most valuable single tool they took from that school was the ability to crank out a press release in its proper form, very quickly.
- "� Every phone call �" There is no Constitutional requirement that a press secretary abide by a reporter's deadline. Sometimes, drat the luck, a deadline comes and goes without that pesky phone call being returned.
- Mullfoto of the Day:

Once I hop into the Mullmobile and head off toward the Old Town Starbucks, it takes a lot to make me stop.
Yesterday morning, the sun coming up over the Potomac River, did it.
World War I Poster
- Mullings' Catchy Caption of the Day:
Further evidence of President Bush's rapidly declining popularity.
(Larry Downing/Reuters )
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