Condit-Country is now Witless World

Monday August 27, 2001
- TITLE: "Condit-Country is now Witless-World" "Condit-Country" was the name given to the 18th Congressional District
in California, reflecting Condit's enormous popularity with Republicans and Democrats.
- "... A Question of Privilege..." Here is the link to that edition of Mullings.
- "� rhymes-with-witch �" This, actually, is NOT from interview between Connie Chung and Newt Gingrich's mom.
In that interview Mrs. Gingrich, having been tricked into whispering the answer to the question, "What does [Newt]
really think of Hillary Clinton?", said "He thinks she's a bitch."
The "Rhymes with witch" construction was uttered by Barbara Bush during the Presidential election campaign
of 1988 speaking of Democratic VP candidate, Geraldine Ferraro.

- To see the MSNBC clip in which I claim to be "befuddled," Click
- "� NBC's "Meet" �" Go here to read the transcript of the fairly remarkable interview between Abbe (pronounced
"Abbey", by the way) Lowell and Tim
Russert on yesterday's Meet the Press.
- "� Tryst�" From the Merriam-Webster Dictionary:
Main Entry: tryst
Pronunciation: 'trist, esp British 'trIst
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French triste watch post, probably of Scandinavian origin; akin to Old Norse traust trust
Date: 14th century
1 : an agreement (as between lovers) to meet
2 : an appointed meeting or meeting place
- "� Tryst �" This is the review from The Zagat Survey via Vindigo:
The "cute, comfy couches" at this Adams Morgan "coffee and conversation spot"
make it a "wonderful place to chill with friends;" it's a hit among "the twenty-something set," which
excuses the "so-so" American eats and service flaws because the owners are so "sincere" and the
"people-watching" so good. P.S. There's quite a "nite" scene at the bar.

The overview (above) and a close up of the location of the Coffee Shop/Bar "Tryst"
- "...Land Mine Volleyball ..." There is no such thing. I made this up. The bit about the beaches being reopened, however, is true.
- Mullings' Catchy Caption of the Day:
Gary Condit, seen here unaccountably wearing a
badger on his head, demonstrates the warmth and
charm which has led him to where he is today.
(Photo: Craig Sjodin/ABC News via Reuters)
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