We Don't Need No Stinking Lawyers
Friday, August 25, 2000
- TITLE: "We Don't Need No Stinking Lawyers"
A take on the famous (if almost always misquoted)
line from the Bogart movie:
"Badges? We ain't got no badges. We don't need no badges. I don't have to show you any stinking badges!"
--Gold Hat, as played by Alfonso Bedoya in
"Treasure of the Sierra Madre" (1948)
List of All-Time Top-Rated TV Shows
By The Associated Press
Wednesday's ''Survivor'' finale won a 28.6 household rating (28.83 million households) -- a 45 percent share of all those watching TV in that two-hour period.
Those are big numbers. But there have been bigger. Here are the top-rated television programs of all time, as compiled by Nielsen Media Research.
Listings include each show's ranking, its household rating (a percentage of the nation's total TV homes), the number of TV households tuned to that show, and that show's share of all viewers watching TV at that hour.
1. ''M A S H Special,'' CBS, 60.2, 50.15 million homes, 77 share. Aired Feb. 28, 1983.
2. ''Dallas,'' CBS, 53.3, 41.47 million homes, 76 share. Aired Nov. 21, 1980.
3. ''Roots Part VIII,'' ABC, 51.1, 36.38 million homes, 71 share. Aired Jan. 30, 1977.
4. ''Super Bowl XVI -- San Francisco 49ers vs. Cincinnati Bengals'' CBS, 49.1, 40.02 million homes, 73 share. Aired Jan. 24, 1982.
5. ''Super Bowl XVII -- Washington Redskins vs. Miami Dolphins,'' NBC, 48.6, 40.48 million homes, 69 share. Aired Jan. 30, 1983.
6. ''XVII Winter Olympics,'' (including Tonya Harding vs. Nancy Kerrigan), CBS, 48.5, 45.69 million homes, 64 share. Aired Feb. 23, 1994.
7. ''Super Bowl XX -- Chicago Bears vs. New England Patriots,'' NBC, 48.3, 41.49 million homes, 70 share. Aired Jan. 26, 1986.
8. ''Gone With The Wind -- Part 1,'' NBC, 47.7, 33.96 million homes, 65 share. Aired Nov. 7, 1976.
9. ''Gone With The Wind -- Part 2,'' NBC, 47.4, 33.75 million homes, 64 share. Aired Nov. 8, 1976.
10. ''Super Bowl XII -- Dallas Cowboys vs. Denver Broncos,'' CBS, 47.2, 34.41 million homes, 67 share. Aired Jan. 15, 1978.
- "80 years of her probable life" I actually looked up current longevity rates.
LONGEVITY: (Met Life 1999) "In 1997 life expectancy for all persons combined rose to a new record high of 76.4 years. Additionally, average future lifetime for newborn girls and boys also established new peaks-79.3 years and 73.4 years, respectively. For girls the 1997 value surpassed the previous high of 79.1 years recorded in 1992 and 1996 while for boys new peaks have been consecutively recorded since 1994.
- "prima facie"
Main Entry: prima facie
Date: 1800
1 : true, valid, or sufficient at first impression : APPARENT
3 : legally sufficient to establish a fact or a case unless disproved
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