Financing a Campaign

Wednesday, August 20, 2003
- TITLE: "Financing a Campaign" "Money," Jesse Unruh is credited with having said, "is the mother's milk of politics." Gimme a cow.
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- "� Campaign Spending �" Here's a link to the web site with a chart of the biggest spending campaigns. Note, at the top of the list, is the longest-serving member of Congress, John Dingell who outspent his opponent three million dollars to zip.
- "� Marietta City Council �" For years I have told this story as having lost the election 902-900. Last year, when I was giving a speech in Marietta, the woman who was the Clerk of the Board of Elections informed me that the vote was 901-900.
Next time around I got smart: I let the Mullings Director of Standards & Practices run the campaign and I not only won, but I was the biggest vote-getter in the 26 precincts of the city of anyone on the ballot for any office.
- Mullfoto of the Day:

Dusk in the town square of Old Town Alexandria, Virginia last Friday night. The band was not perfect; but it was good enough.
World War II Poster
- Mullings' Catchy Caption of the Day:
This is Gray Davis. See how strong he is. See how he sets his mouth. See how he curls his lips. See how he clenches his fists. He is really, really, powerful.
(AP Photo/Nick Ut)
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