Hey! Condit's Back in the News!

Wednesday August 15, 2001
- TITLE: "Hey! Condit's Back in the News!" Just when we thought we were going to have to explain the cross-tabs in the polling regarding stem cells, Condit pops back up!
- "� Tag Heuer �" An expensive brand of watch. It was reportedly the type of watch one of Condit's girlfriends gave him. The box in which it came was so disturbing to him he had himself driven to Virginia to toss it into a trash bin the night the cops were on their way to his apartment to do their search.
- "�world class oxymoron �" burning need to heal. An oxymoron is made up of a phrase which is, by definition, contradictory. Jumbo shrimp and military intelligence are the two most oft-used examples.
- "� Ethics Committee �" I'm not a lawyer, but I can make the case that, inasmuch as there have been public calls for an Ethics investigation by Members of Congress into this whole mess, Condit CAN make the case that this is now in the arena of his official duties and, therefore, makes the use of campaign funds legal.
- "� ROTFL �" In the earliest days of the Internet - even before the Internet when bulletin boards were all the rage, communications speeds were very, very slow. The first modems were 300 bits per second. That compares to current T-1 lines which run at approximately 1.5 MILLION bps.
To save time a group of commonly used abbreviations were developed as well as things like ;- ) to indicate a joke (a wink and a smile).
ROTFL is an abbreviation for Rolling On The Floor Laughing.
- Missed the travelogue of the trip to Missouri? Read it here.
- Errata:
- On Monday I suggested that Stuart Stevens' book was the first covering the entire campaign; Roger Simon's "Divided We Stand" was published first.
- Also, in my haste to get the column out I typed the name Jack Trapper when I meant to type Jake Tapper.
- Mullings' Catchy Caption of the Day:
President Bush looking comfortably at home in the Rocky Mountain
National Park yesterday
( Photo: AP/Kenneth Lambert)
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