But I Do Know One and One is Two ...

Monday, August 11, 2003
- TITLE: "But I Do Know One and One is Two �" A line from the 1960 Sam Cooke song "Wonderful World" better known as "Don't Know Much About History."
But I do know one and one is two
And if this one could be with you
What a wonderful world this would be
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- "� TV Appearances �"
Here was my TV line-up starting from last Wednesday:
o Wednesday: 3:00 pm CNBC: Capitol Report - (Taped) fundraising
10:00 pm MSNBC: Scarborough Country - (Live) Arnold
o Thursday: 10:00 am MSNBC: Chris Jansing - (Live) Arnold
10:15 am MSNBC: Chris Jansing - (Live) Gore pre-speech
10:45 am MSNBC: Chris Jansing - (Live) Gore post-speech
(Actually, Gore wasn't finished; but he was
done, if you know what I mean and I think
you do)
11:15 am CBC: Canadian Broadcasting Corp - (Taped) Arnold
11:30 am MSNBC: Hardball - (Taped) Arnold
1:00 pm Fox: Talk Back Live or whatever Fox calls
their version of that dreadful (and
mercifully cancelled) program - Arnold/Gore
o Friday: 5:40 pm CNBC: Capitol Report - (Taped) Arnold/Gore
6:00 pm Fox: O'Reilly Factor - (Taped) Arnold/Gore
6:30 pm MSNBC: Buchanan & Press - (Live) Arnold/Gore
o Saturday: 1:50 pm Fox: Tony Snow - (Live) Arnold
3:00 pm CNN: News Programming - (Taped) President Bush &
o Sunday: Dark
4 days, 13 appearances, all 4 US cable networks, 1 foreign network.
Total income: Zero
Marketing value: Priceless
Democratic media maven Peter Fenn and I were on the Fox set with Tony Snow on Saturday afternoon until about 2:30 watching the
"Arnold Delivers the Papers" show. Arianna Huffington showed up at the same time Arnold and his wife, Maria Shriver, did.
Arianna did a turn before the microphones while the Arnolds were inside filing their papers.
When they came out, Arianna raced up the steps to get into the shot (which she did) and, in so doing, knocked over all the microphones.
I said to Tony, "What's Greek (Arianna is of Greek extraction) for chutzpah?"
Without missing a beat, Tony said, "Arianna."
"� Stomp! �" Stomp! Is/was a theatrical activity which began in 1994 in which the performers use garbage cans, brooms, tires, and just about anything else you can bang, scrape, rub or pat to make a noise. It is very inventive and (at least once) very entertaining. Here's a review of Stomp! from 1999.
"� Sean Penn �" Here's a link to the absolutely straight report by ABC News on Sean Penn's visit to Baghdad.
"� Celebrity Testifiers �" Here's a pretty good roundup of Hollywood-meets-Congress foolishness.
"� Leonardo & Bill �" Here's the link to the story about Bill & Leonardo's Great Adventure.
"� Janeane Garofalo �"
The witty, too-pretty, Ms. Garafalo
Mullfoto of the Day:

Sent in by Mullster Nicole Marchese - note the third line.
World War I Poster
Mullings' Catchy Caption of the Day:
Actual Caption: An international alphorn player meeting is taking place in Nendaz, Switzerland on Aug. 9 to10, 2003
Ok? Alphorn Players? Listen up, please. With the new rules issued by the Transportation Safety Agency, in order to get this on an airplane you must take it out of its case, place it in a bin �
(AP Photo/Keystone/Olivier Maire)
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