Selling Cells; Buying Books

Friday August 10, 2001
- TITLE: "Selling Cells, Buying Books" A pretty good distillation of the current and former Presidents' week.
- "�comment on taxes �" This was the infamous "read my lips; no new taxes" remark which probably cost George H.W. Bush a second term.
- Go here to see the White House backgrounder on the President's speech.
- "� National Institutes of Health �" Here's the link to the Stem Cell Research primer on the National Institutes of Health web site.
- "� "Tuesdays with Monica �" A pun on the unbelievably popular book "Tuesdays with Morrie" by Mitch Albom.
- "� "The Hogwarts Years �" Hogwarts is the school for witches and wizards that Harry Potter attends.
- "�Chicken Soup for the Soul; Club Soda for the Blue Dress�" "Chicken Soup for the Soul" was the first in the very popular "Chicken Soup for the �" self-help franchise by Jack Canfield. Mark Victor Hansen, et. al.
Club Soda for the Blue Dress� Every flight attendant since the Wright Brothers' mother has recommended club soda to remove stains.
- Mullings' Catchy Caption of the Day:
California Governor Gray Davis demonstrates his new approach to forcing energy companies to lower prices.
(AP Photo/Nick Ut)
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