Playing for Time

Wednesday, August 6, 2003
- TITLE: "Playing for Time " When I was in the Army - and during that brief period of my six-year service when I actually paid attention to commands being shouted at me - there was a perfectly useless command which was "Mark Time � MARCH!"
Mark Time, March was a command to have a column of soldiers continue to move their feet in rhythm, but remain in the same spot.
It occurred to me, hearing "Mark time, March" that human beings do not need to "wind up" before walking. We can be standing still. And then walk forward when we are ready. It is not as if we are participating in the high jump where we have to rock back and forth several times before we run toward the bar. We stand. Then we walk.
I once presented this conundrum to a sergeant at Ft. Bragg in basic training. Suffice it to say he did not agree with me that it was a matter for deep consideration.
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- "� Aleocerdo cuvier and Pterophyllum scalare �" Tiger Shark and Angelfish respectively.
- "� Old Town �" This is where Alexandria, Virginia is located:
- Mullfoto of the Day:

I don't think Admiral Farragut would have thought this was amusing; but I did.
World War I Poster
- Mullings' Catchy Caption of the Day:
"I know I speak for both me and Al Sharpton when I say: We are brothers!"
(AP Photo/Stephen J. Carrera )
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