Madame Ambassador

Monday August 6, 2001
- TITLE: "Madame Ambassador" Jeanne Phillips, Karen Hughes, and I all worked together on the race for Mayor of former Congressman Steve Bartlett. Karen was the communications director, Jeanne was the finance director, and I was the press secretary.
Bartlett won; Karen is the most influential non-elected person in the country; Jeanne is going to Paris, France with the rank of Ambassador; and I'm watching old Hopalong Cassidy movies on the Western Channel.
- "... Executive Calendar ..." The House and the Senate work off various schedules called: Calendars. The Executive Calendar in the Senate
contains treaties, resolutions, and nominations. In short these are items upon which the Senate must vote, but which are not, strictly speaking,
legislative in nature.
- "… Rush Limbaugh …" Here are two references from his Friday Show:
09:15 - Rich Galen, in his "Mullings" newsletter this morning, has an excellent history of HMOs that I'm going to share with you. You need to know this. You need to understand how they started, what their purpose was, and how the whole concept has been distorted, now, for the express purpose of expanding the federal role in health care.
21:35 - Rich Galen; I had an e-mail back and forth with him today; and Galen reminded me that there's a major difference in political parties and political movements. And, it's very simple: The purpose of a political party is to win elections. A political movement will sometimes sacrifice an election or a vote in favor of a principle.
- "… Der Spiegel …" Here's the full story in Der Spiegel.
Here's the paragraph in question. Please send translation:
Nicht nur Postrel und Sullivan konnten in den vergangenen Monaten ihre Abrufzahlen beachtlich steigern. Zu verdanken ist dies insbesondere dem Web-Magazin "Slate". Seit April offeriert das von Microsoft finanzierte Online-Projekt täglich Textschnipsel und Links ausgewählter Polit-Me-Ziner. Neben Postrel, Sullivan und Kaus zählen dazu auch Rich Galen, Herausgeber der Cyberkolumne, oder Joshua Micah Marshall.
- Separated at Birth:

- Mullings' Catchy Caption of the Day:
NBC's David Gregory gets hot scoop along with iced
tea at the luncheonette in Crawford, Texas.
Photo: AP Photo/Kenneth Lambert
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