The Magic of the Medium

Monday, August 4, 2003
- TITLE: "The Magic of the Medium " In the hippy-dippy-sixties "The Message is the Medium" was the mantra espoused by a guy named Marshall McLuhan. It was all the rage for a while until everyone realized it was a bunch of Canadian Moose hockey.
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- "� Donahue �" I was on the Donahue show only once. And it - not surprisingly - was not a terribly positive experience. Nevertheless, you can read about it here.
- "� IFB & Makeup �" Here are photos of an IFB
(which, I think, makes me look like a Secret Service Agent except now everyone wears them including clerks at The Gap),
and my makeup.  I think I may I need a better makeup case than a Hefty Zip Lok bag. Something, you know, manly
and all, but not a Hefty.
- "� Fox �" Fox and MSNBC are in the same building on the Senate side of Capitol Hill. CNBC, of course share studio space. CNN is about five blocks away.
- "� Susan Estrich �" Here's Susan's official bio from the University of Southern California web page.
- Mullfoto of the Day:

Another New York Adventure Mullfoto: I suspect the guy who runs this sandwich cart on East 46th Street spells the way he speaks.
Admiral Dewey World War I Poster
- Mullings' Catchy Caption of the Day:
The answer to the question posed by this photo is: "None of them."
(AFP/File/Shawn Thew)
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