TITLE: "Uptown, Up-Tempo Clinton" A pun on the title of a song (Uptown, Uptempo Woman) by Randy Edleman from his 1975 album, "Fairwell Fairbanks." The Chorus goes: You're an uptown, uptempo woman; I'm a downtown, downbeat guy."
"… Republican Straw Poll …" That Straw Poll helped kick start Mullings in its current incarnation by providing the first advertisers to help defray expenses.
"… We got plenty o' nothin' …" And nothin's plenty for us … a pun on the song from "Porgy and Bess."
"… What did the trial lawyer name …" I made this up for the occasion.
"… just days after spewing …" Jimmy Carter showed remarkably bad taste and horrible judgment when he allowed himself to be quoted disagreeing with just about everything about the Bush Administration. Here is the AP report of Carter's statement.