What'cha Gonna Do When They Come For You

Friday, July 26, 2002
- TITLE: "What'cha Gonna Do When They Come For You?" A piece of the lyric from the song, "Bad Boys" by the group "Inner Circle."
Here's another part:
When you were eight
And you had bad traits
You go to school
And learn the golden rule
So why are you
Acting like a bloody fool
If you get hot
You must get cool
Of course, the song was made famous when it was adopted as the theme song for the Fox TV show, "Cops." According to the Fox web page, "The four-time Emmy Award-nominated series is in its 14th season on FOX and maintains bragging rights as one of the longest-running programs currently on primetime television."
Is "Evening with the Pops" still on?
- "� Lame Duck �" from the takeourword.com website (I checked elsewhere and there is agreement on this):
"A lame duck president is one who was not re-elected and has to serve the remaining two months of his
term after the election. Similarly, a lame duck congress is one where some members will be leaving office after the
post-election short session of Congress. Why lame duck? Believe it or not, this term arose in England. It was an
18th-century term, in stock market parlance, for a defaulter. America borrowed it with that meaning by the early
19th century, but it eventually took on the meaning which it has today. Interestingly, it was reintroduced to
Britain from America with that meaning, but it has since devolved to refer to a politician who is incompetent."
The 20th Amendment which moved the inauguration of the President from March 4 to January 20.
From the Grolier on-line encyclopedia:
The Twentieth Amendment (1933) to the Constitution Of The United States provides for the orderly
installation of the president, vice- president, and members of Congress, shortens their Lame Duck status, and
clarifies the status of the president-elect and vice-president- elect in regard to presidential succession.
Prior to this amendment the old Congress had met for a 4-month session, and the new Congress did not convene
until the following December; the presidential term had lasted until March 4 following the November elections.
- " � 802.11b standard �" There are various standards which are adopted by the IEEE - the Institute of Electronic and Electrical Engineers. The 801.11 standards cover wireless networking.
WEP stands for Wired Equivalent Privacy and is the standard (if not very effective) security system for home and small office wireless networks.
- "... Alice and Ralph Kramden..."
Jackie Gleason, Art Carney, and Audrey Meadows as
Ralph Kramden, Ed Norton, and Alice Kramden
on The Honeymooners
- "... Venus. Mars. ..."
A short hand version of the wildly successful series of self-help books by John Gray. The foundation of the series was "Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus: A Practical Guide for Improving Communication and Getting What You Want in Your Relationships"
- "... Tom Foley ..." Foley, who was the sitting Speaker of the House, was defeated in the Tsunami of 1994.
British World War II Poster
- Mullings' Catchy Caption of the Day:
Chairman of the NY Stock Exchange, Dick Grasso,
considers an easier job - like Commissioner of Baseball.
Photo: AP/Richard Drew
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