The Thomas-crowd Affair

Friday, July 25, 2003
- TITLE: "The Thomas-crowd Affair" I tried to write this so the emphasis would be on Thomas with the word crowd de-emphasized. Did it work?
Bill Thomas is not an easy guy to get along with, hence I have gotten along with him perfectly well for years.
.jpg) The title is a
pun on "The Thomas Crown Affair" (emphasis equally on both words) which was the title of a 1968 movie starring Steve McQueen and Faye Dunaway, and the 1999 remake -
also very classy - which starred Pierce Brosnan and Rene Russo who, if she knew me, would think I was very, very attractive.
Really. I think that.
- "... Subscription Drive ..."
Still want to subscribe? Take a look here.
- "� Mullings on Recall �" Here's the link to the Mullings from last February .
- "�San Francisco Chronicle �" Here's a link to the Chronicle editorial.
- "� Congressional Record �" Here's a link to the statement by Rep. Thomas on the Floor of the House.
- "� Pyrrhic Victory �" After the Greek King of Eprius, PYRRHUS (318 - 272 BC)
Pyrrhus was king of the Hellenistic kingdom of Epirus. In 281 BC Tarentum in southern Italy asked his assistance against Rome. Pyrrhus crossed to Italy with 25,000 men and 20 elephants. He tried to create a kingdom of Sicily and lower Italy, but his many victories against Rome were so costly that he had to withdraw from Italy.
His remark 'Another such victory and I shall be ruined' gave name to the term 'Pyrrhic victory' for a victory obtained at to great a cost. Pyrrhus returned to Epirus, invaded Macedonia and made an unsuccessful attack on Sparta where he was killed.
- Mullfoto of the Day:

When you get off the plane at Heathrow having been in Kuwait (where no alcohol is served - not even on US Military posts)
this looks like a really, really interesting shop.
World War II Poster
"Have you room in your heart for us?"
- Mullings' Catchy Caption of the Day:
Actual Caption: Twelve Cuban migrants attempt to cross the Straits of Florida in a boat fashioned out of a 1951 Chevy pickup
truck driving it within 40 miles of the United States before they were found by the U.S. Coast Guard and returned to
the island.
(AP Photo/U.S. Coast Guard, Gregory Wald)
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