Key Largo

Wednesday, July 17, 2002
- TITLE: "Key Largo" A 1948 film directed by John Huston. From the IMDB web site:
 Frank McCloud (Humphrey Bogart) visits a rundown hotel run by
crippled James Temple (Lionel Barrymore) and his daughter-in-law Nora (Lauren Bacall), widow of Frank's friend from
the war. The hotel has been taken over by Johnny Rocco (Edward G. Robinson) and his gang.
Frank is indifferent at first but Rocco's treatment of his alcoholic mistress Gaye (Claire Trevor) and his murder of two Indians convinces Frank that Rocco must be stopped. His only chance comes when Rocco forces Frank to pilot the gang's boat toward Cuba.
- "... Way-Back Machine ..."
From the Toonpedia website:
Peabody was a cartoon series about a time-travelling dog and his pet boy, Sherman. Using Peabody's "Wayback Machine", the pair would take jaunts through history, and usually wind up instrumental in making events come out "right", i.e., the way they're depicted in history books.
The 91 four-and-a-half-minute episodes always ended with atrocious puns.
My all-time favorite was the episode which took place during the American Revolution. Peabody and Sherman helped, as I remember, capture Benedict Arnold. The capture had to do with a chicken, which Peabody proclaimed,
was where the phrase "chicken catch a Tory" was born.
- "... IPO ..." Here's a link to a website (note the revision date of 1995) which briefly describes the Initial Public Offering process.
- " � Bull Market �" From the CNBC website:
Bull Market
When stock prices have risen steadily over several months, experts call it a "bull" market.
When stocks trend downward for a long period, it's a "bear" market. These terms were selected based on the way the two animals attack. When a bull rushes forward, he holds his head low and then gores upward with his horns. A bear, on the other hand, strikes downward with his paws.
- "�Warren Buffett�" Here is a link to a short bio.
- "� David Espo �" Here's a link to the AP piece on the Democrats' trip to Massachusetts this past weekend.
- "�limerick�" From Merriam-Webster's Unabridged:
Etymology: from Limerick, Ireland; probably from its use by a group of Irish poets writing in Limerick in the 18th century
Definition: a light verse form of 5 anapestic lines of which lines 1, 2, and 5 are of 3 feet and rhyme and lines 3 and 4 are of 2 feet and rhyme
- "...anapestic ..." I know. I know. I looked that up, too:
Definition: A metrical foot of three syllables the first two being unstressed and the last being stressed (as in Lord Byron's "and his cohorts were gleaming in purple and gold") or the
first two being short and the last being long (as in classical prosody): a trisyllabic rising cadence
Spanish American War Poster
- Mullings' Catchy Caption of the Day:
Ohio Rep. Jim Traficant shown having an
exceptionally bad - even for him - hair day.
AP Photo/Ron Edmonds
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