
Changing the Tone in Weehawken
Wednesday July 11, 2001
- TITLE: "Changing the Tone in Weehawken" This is a pun on the phrase "Changing the tone in Washington. I didn't say it was a GREAT pun.
- "…arguably the smartest of …" Hamilton was probably a real, certifiable genius. He got his bachelor's degree from King's College in one year, and was admitted to the New York Bar after just three months of study.
He was one of the three authors of the Federalist Papers (along with John Jay and James Madison).
And, of course, he was America's first Secretary of the Treasury.
- "Republican Party" The "Republican" party of 1800 was not the same GOP we know today. The Republican party of Jefferson/Burr was really the "Not The Federalists" party.
- "… election of 1800 …" The three candidates on the Federalist ticket were John Adams (who got 65 Electoral votes); arles Cotesworth Pinckney (64 votes); and John Jay (1 vote).
- "… greatest scoundrel …" Burr was equally smart in the street sense, was good looking, and very popular. Nevertheless, Burr's ambition continually outstripped his accomplishments. Following the duel in which he killed Hamilton, Burr was tried for treason having been accused of hatching a plan which would have formed a new nation west of the Allegheny Mountains, reaching all the way to the Isthmus of Panama.
- "…12th Amendment …" Prior to the ratification of the 12th Amendment to the Constitution, Electors gathered and wrote the names of their top two choices - with out differentiating between who they thought should be President and who Vice President. If anyone got a majority of the votes, they were declared President, the second highest total was VP.
The 12th Amendment makes it clear that the Electors must cast definitive ballots for President and Vice President (and some other changes we all learned about during The Recount).
- No Catchy Caption today. We were doing a GOP Seminar in Denver last night.
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