Hey! Your Anti-Business Roots are Showing

Monday, July 08, 2002
- TITLE: "Hey! Your Anti-Business Roots are Showing" From Saturday's LA Times piece by Janet Hook:
"Democrats are going to have to be very careful to make sure we don't look like what we're trying to do is only beat up on corporations," said Simon Rosenberg, president of the New Democratic Network. "If at any point we're seen as being anti-growth and anti-business, it will diminish our effectiveness."
- "... Face the Nation ..." Here's a link to the Reuters report on appearance on Face the Nation.
- "... disingenuous ..." From Merriam-Webster's Unabridged:
Function: adjective>
Etymology: 1dis- + ingenuous
Not ingenuous : lacking in candor or frankness; often : unworthily or meanly artful : giving a false appearance of simple frankness
- "... diversity lottery ..." This is true. The State Department runs a lottery allowing people to come to, or stay in, the US if they come from a country which is a little light in immigrants. Here is a link to the countries which are eligible.
World War II Poster
- Mullings' Catchy Caption of the Day:
The President's hat says, "El Jefe" (The Chief)
Over the weekend a pool reporter, standing too far
away asked, and after telling the press corps, the
President looked at NBC's David Gregory and
said, "That's French."
Larry Downing/Reuters
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