All Politics is ...

Monday, July 7, 2003
- TITLE: "All Politics is �" Whether or not Tip O'Neill is the first person to actually say this is not important. It was the title of a 1992 book he put his name on (co-authored by Gary Hymel) so, whether he was the first or not, he got the book title.
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TRAVELOGUE! Kuwait Here. I'll Be Right Back: Chapter 1: A Middle Seat
Chapter 2: Then Air France Lost Everything Else
- "� Kuwait Map �" Here's a map of Kuwait showing it's relationship to its neighbors.
- Mullfoto of the Day:

This was an actual photo of the actual outside temperature as recorded on the dashboard of the car in which I was riding.
Don't tax yourself. Here's the formula:
Take the temp in Celsius. Multiply that by 1.8. Add 32.
50 * 1.8 = 90
90+32 = 122
That's 122!
World War I Poster
- Mullings' Catchy Caption of the Day:
Arnold and I were in the region at the same time. More people were interested in him. Must be the California recall.
(AP Photo/ Ralph Alswang/USO/HO)
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