Palme D'Or

Rich Galen Friday, June 25, 2004
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- "... Washington Post ...": Here's the link to the Washington Post article on the opening of "Fahrenheit 9/11" in Washington, DC this week.
- Mullfoto of the Day:
 Ok. This is what a moron I am. I went to the Palm Restaurant in downtown Washington yesterday for lunch.
I stopped a guy on the street and asked him to take this photo.
I wanted to have my photo taken under the sign so that I could post it here and say I was at the "Palm Door."
And you think I have no life.
- Catchy Caption of the Day
Actual Caption: Paul Burrell, Princess Diana's butler, tells stories of Buckingham Palace, on opening night of 'In His Own Words', at The Town Hall in New York, Thursday, June 24, 2004.
Wait. You mean people are paying money to hear this guy? Memo to Michael Moore: I have an idea for your next movie.
(AP Photo/John Marshall Mantel)
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