The Legacy of Little Lies

Monday, June 24, 2002
- TITLE: "The Legacy of Little Lies" The "Clinton Legacy" has been of interest to the inside-the-beltway types, the Clintons, and almost no one else since about the second day they were in office back in 1993.
Every so often the Clintonistas try to either repair or construct (depending upon where you view the starting point) the Clinton Legacy to the great glee of the first group and the continued frustration of the second.
- "... Bob Shrum or Lanny Davis ..." Shrum is one of the smartest Democratic strategists; Lanny Davis is one of their smartest lawyers. They both read Mullings because they think - now don't go telling them this is not true - they think I get inside info from the White House.
- "... Feasance ..." The word "feasance" is no longer a stand-alone word. It is obsolete. Don't use it. It would be wrong. Here, however, are the definitions of the three forms of the word which are still in use:
Malfeasance: doing or misconduct especially by a public official
Misfeasance: the performance of a lawful action in an illegal or improper manner
Nonfeasance: failure to act; especially : failure to do what ought to be done
World War II Poster
- Mullings' Catchy Caption of the Day:
The absolute best thing about being President is shaking
hands with a child during a T-ball game on the South Lawn.
Having Cal there isn't so bad, either.
(Photo: William Philpott/Reuters)
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