Weighty Matters

Monday, June 23, 2003
- TITLE: "Weighty Matters" Weighty tome, weighty matters, weighty yer father gits home�
- "... Subscription Drive ..."
Still want to subscribe? Take a look here.
- "... A Trip to Paris ..." Here are the links to
Chapter 1: I'm My Own Grandpa.
Chapter 2: What's the Difference between First Class and Coach?.
Chapter 3: Not Much About Paris.
- "... Pachyderms ..." This is a real group, and they were great fun to speak to. Here's a link to the Pachyderms' web page.
- "... J.K. Rowling ..." Here's a bio of Ms. Rowling.
- "... Luminos! ..." This is the spell one intones when one wants to shed some light on a subject. See, this was a sort of a pun on the definition. It would be fun to shed some light on what Hillary really thinks so Harry could wave his wand and � Ok. I think you get it.
- Mullfoto of the Day:

You should have box with a red "X" in it. I have, on my digital camera, a very clever photo of me purchasing the Harry Potter book.
Unfortunately, as I write this (and, probably as you read it) my digital camera is sitting on the little table next to the chair in the TV studio in Austin from whence I did my Saturday gig on Tony Snow's Fox News Channel program. In my zeal to get to the airport to catch my flight to Houston (from where I would drive to Galveston for my Saturday night speech) I left it sitting there.
When the folks in Austin send me my camera back, I'll run the photo.
World War I Poster
- Mullings' Catchy Caption of the Day:
Make up your own caption. Here's the setup:
Senators Clinton and Lieberman along with Congressman Boehlert are attending a White House event
during which President Bush "congratulated the four winning mens' and womens NCAA ice hockey and basketball teams."
Have at it.
(REUTERS/Jason Reed)
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