
Every Day
Friday June 22, 2001
- TITLE: "Every Day" I am in awe of people who do whatever they do, every single day. It is, I believe, what makes everything happen.
- "� Ripken �" When Ripken broke Lou Gehrig's record in September, 1995 the game was temporarily halted after the third out ending the top of the fifth inning. At that point - and not before - the game became "official" and all this pitches, hits, errors, and all the players who appeared, would be in the record book. Even if the game were rained out at that point - even if the game were TIED and then rained out later, the statistics would stand.
One of the reasons The Streak was so personal to so many people is because we took our sons and/or daughters to see Orioles' games as they grew up. You could take your kid to ANY game and the could see Cal because he never missed.
By the way, Ripken didn't break Gehrig's record and take a couple of days off in the Bahamas. The Streak ended on the last day of the season when Cal took himself out of the line up - three YEARS later.
- "� Howard Cosell �" I looked for the derivation of this quote but couldn't find it. I seem to remember it as something he said describing the replay of a heavyweight boxing match which would lead me to believe it was either an Ali-Frazier or an Ali-Foreman fight. Someone, I know, will e-mail me with this information.
- "� Wall Street Journal �" The WSJ is a fee-based service on the Web to which I subscribe. I have cut and pasted the editorial here.
- Here are some more Kudos for the work on that Virginia 4 special:
Carlyle Gregory -- General
Glen Bolger -- polling
Dan Hazelwood -- Voter Mail
Brad Todd -- Media
Monica Notzen on leave from the NRCC was Manager.
- Mullings' Catchy Caption of the Day:
Let me get this straight. I give this guy, Roger Clinton,
$30,000 in cash and good things will happen?
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