"... Journalists applauded ...": Here's the link to the UK Telegragh piece on the EU Summit collapse.
"... Colum Lynch ...": Here's the WashPost piece on the UN Dues situation.
"...sou...": According to a Princeton University website, "a former French coin of low denomination; often used of any small amount of money: "he hasn't a sou to his name"
Mullfoto of the Day "Tradition Persian Food." Their English is a lot better than my Persian.
[Mullfoto by CDR Bob Carey]
Catchy Caption of the Day Actual Caption:
A nude woman stands on a ship in this undated photo provided by the American Association for Nude Recreation (AANR). Americans are starting to flock to beaches and country parks reserved for nudists, especially at the luxury end of the market.
I KNOW there's a moon joke in here somewhere.
Or beach volleyball.