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Summit's Happening Here

Rich Galen

Thursday June 14, 2018

  • "… Summit's Happening Here …": A pun on the the 1967 song by a group called the Buffalo Springfield titled For What It's Worth."

    The first line of the song is: "Something's happening here; What it is, ain't exactly clear ..."

  • "… Photo of the Business Meeting …":

    On the U.S. side from top to bottom:

    White House Chief of Staff John Kelly
    President Donald Trump
    Secretary of State Mike Pompeo
    National Security Advisor John Bolton

    On the North Korea Side:

    Foreign Minister
    Vice Chairman of the Communist Party
    Kim Jong Un
    Vice Chairman of the Communist Party

  • "… Kim Boarding School …": Here's a piece from Business Insider about Kim Jong Un having attended an English-language boarding school in Switzerland.

    Mullfoto of the Day

    Sentinals atop the Mayflower Hotel on Connecticut Avenue in downtown Washington, DC.

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