Say, Is There An Attila The Hun Prize?
Monday, June 3, 2000
- TITLE: "Say, Is There An Attila The Hun Prize?" The Britannica entry for Atilla:
"byname FLAGELLUM DEI (LATIN: SCOURGE OF GOD), king of the Huns from 434 to 453 (ruling jointly with his elder brother Bleda until 445). He was one of the greatest of the barbarian rulers who assailed the Roman Empire, invading the southern Balkan provinces and Greece and then Gaul and Italy."
- "Charlemagne…" Also from Britannica:
"As king of the Franks, Charlemagne conquered the Lombard kingdom in Italy, subdued the Saxons, annexed Bavaria to his kingdom, fought campaigns in Spain and Hungary, and, with the exception of the Kingdom of Asturias in Spain, southern Italy, and the British Isles, united in one superstate practically all the Christian lands of western Europe. In 800 he assumed the title of emperor. (He is reckoned as Charles I of the Holy Roman Empire, as well as Charles I of France.) Besides expanding its political power, he also brought about a cultural renaissance in his empire. Although this imperium survived its founder by only one generation, the medieval kingdoms of France and Germany derived all their constitutional traditions from Charles's monarchy. Throughout medieval Europe, the person of Charles was considered the prototype of a Christian king and emperor."
- "Eine Hand wäscht der anderer A word-for-word translation of "one hand washes the other. I took for years of German I in high school. The point, here, being I wonder whether Clinton was promised the Charlemagne Prize at the time he presented the Medal of Freedom to Kohl.
- "The-Wax-Ring" Is the gasket upon which your toilet bowl rests. It creates a seal between the ceramic base and the hole in the floor which is the drain. See what you learn here?
- "Rosie O'Donnell" Has become the national pain-in-the-butt about gun control. Last week she was forced to admit that she had armed bodyguards but said as they were not allowed in the house she was not a hypocrite. "Annie Get Your Gun" is being revived on Broadway was a 1946 musical the score of which was written by Irving Berlin. "Annie Get Your Gun" was not nominated for any Tony Awards, so if my prayer had been answered it would have been the action of the real "Miracle Worker."
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Texas under Governor Bush:
- 1st in student improvement on test scores, especially for
African-American and Hispanic students.
- 1st in reducing the amount of releases and disposal of toxics -
more than all 49 other states combined.
- 1st in the nation to allow a patient to appeal an HMO's
decision to deny care.
- 1st to create a prison ministry to help offenders reintegrate
into society.
- 1 of only 3 states to require reductions of harmful pollution
from older, unpermitted utility plants.
- 1 of only 10 "highly successful" states in reducing welfare
rolls between 1995 and 1998.
- 4th in growth in total personal income.
- 9th in teacher pay, when adjusted for cost of living and teacher experience.
- $1.8 billion investment in healthcare initiatives.
- 1.2 million jobs created, representing more than 10 percent of
new jobs created nationwide and 48,000 new businesses.
- Lowest unemployment rate in twenty years -- 4.7 percent.
- Doubled the number of adoptions of abused and neglected children in Texas.
America under Clinton-Gore:
- The number of uninsured Americans increased by more than 8
- Almost 70 percent of fourth graders in the highest poverty
schools cannot read at basic level.
- Teachers were victims of 1.8 million crimes at school,
including 657,000 violent crimes.
- Illegal drug use among high school seniors increased 78
- Federal prosecutions of gun-related offenses decreased by 46
- More than 12,000 U.S. soldiers are on food stamps.
- Enacted a $115 billion tax increase on Social Security enefits.
- Federal government is the nation's largest polluter, costing
taxpayers nearly $400 billion for cleanups.
- 45 convictions, 72 indictments/misdemeanor charges, and 8
imprisonments related to the 1996 campaign finance scandal, improper conduct by Clinton-Gore cabinet officials, and Whitewater.
What did Arkansas look like when Al Gore joined Bill Clinton in 1992?
- 50th in environmental policy initiatives.
- 47th in per capita state spending for education.
- 43rd in per capita spending for higher education.
- 41st in citizens living in poverty.
- 45th in children living in poverty.
- 47th in children without health insurance.
- 45th in children living in hunger.
- 43rd in infants born with low birth weight.
- 47th in personal income.
Upcoming Primaries:
June 6 Alabama (D-63; R-44) Montana (D-24; R-23) New Jersey (D-124; R-54) New Mexico (D-35; R-21) South Dakota (D-22; R-22)
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