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 Currying Favor: A Trip to India - Chapter 1
Currying Favor: A Trip to India - Chapter 2
Currying Favor: A Trip to India - Chapter 3
Currying Favor: A Trip to India - Chapter 4
Currying Favor: A Trip to India - Chapter 5
Read It Twice, It's Twice as Nice
Wednesday May 23, 2001
- TITLE: "Read It Twice, Twice as Nice" Here's the deal. The Internet service my the hotel at which I was staying existed but in the same way as saying walking backwards, blindfolded and flying on a modern jetliner are both traveling.
The solution was to dial out (on a very slow dial-up link) go through some magic which allowed me to control the computer at Mullings central by remote control, send the appropriate files from my laptop to the base computer, and tell THAT computer to send everything to the right place - the e-mail version to the subscription list, the web page files to the server in Pittsburgh.
The problem was I had no way to CHECK to see if the right file went to the e-mail list because, as I noted in the column, I had 2,373 e-mail which would have taken until the YEAR 2373 to download.
My fault for being sloppy and Mullings, as the big dailies like to say, regrets the error.
I'm sending this the same way tonight, but from Atlanta which has allowed me, because of a local dial-up number, to download my e-mails at no cost, and allowed me to check the files to make certain they are correct. I hope.
- "� ummm, slaking �" This is from a wonderful M*A*S*H episode involving Radar courting a nurse. He gets hold of a book of verse and reads about "the lovers' thirst being slaked." When the nurse asked Radar to read aloud to her he demurs because "it has slaking and stuff" in it.
- " �there WAS a recent report �" Here is the story on < a href = ""> cell phones versus radios as barriers to safe driving
- Mullings' Catchy Caption of the Day:
President Bush at the graduation ceremony at
Yale over the weekend which was protested by
a number of faculty members:
" 'C'students become President.
'A' students become � associate professors."
Photo: Larry Downing/Reuters
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