Seven Weeks

Wednesday, May 19, 2004
- TITLE: "Seven Weeks" Actually, what I have been saying is this: "On December 15 Howard Dean was the Democratic nominee for President. Three weeks later his campaign was over." There is no magic to the December 15th date (other than that was the day Saddam was captured and Dean said the event did not make America any safer) and when I started actually counting weeks I had to revise my hyperbolic statement.
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- "� Gwen Ifill �": Here's the link to the conversation between Gwen Ifill and Adam Nagourney about the Gore endorsement of Dean.
- "� Iowa Caucus Results �": Here's the link to the Iowa Caucus results.
- "� new Hampshire Primary Results �": And here's the link to the New Hampshire primary results.
- "� Redundancy �": Interestingly, Webster's Unabridged does not defind "redundancy" the way in which we normally use it until we get to definition number 3:
1: exceeding what is necessary or normal
2 a: a lavish or excessive supply
2 b: a nonessential appendage
3: superfluous repetition or verbosity
From: Webster's Third New International Dictionary, Unabridged. Merriam-Webster, 2002.
- Catchy Caption of the Day
Just so you understand the rules: First one to pin the other guy's thumb for a count of three, wins.
(Molly Riley/Reuters)
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