Imagine This. Imagine That.

Monday, May 17, 2004
- TITLE: "Imagine This. Imagine That." For reasons which help explain why I have so few friends and so few dinner invitations, I think it is perfectly wonderful to be able to begin the column with "Imagine this" and end it with "Imagine that."
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- "� French Die in Heat Wave �": Last summer some 25,000 people died - mostly in France - because the temps hit 104 Fahrenheit and the French don't believe in air conditioning. This lack of ability to deal with heat might be yet another reason why the French sent no troops to Iraq last summer.
- Mullfoto of the Day:
This is Titus, the Lad's pup. Titus, the grand-dog, visited with us over the weekend. Titus eats everything. Bones, sneakers, DVDs ... you name it, he'll chew it. I love this dog.
- Catchy Caption of the Day
"... then I took the keys to that big rig and I threw them over the fence in solidarity with you, my Brothers Behind the Wheel."
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