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Tax and Spend, Again and Again
Wednesday May 15, 2001
- TITLE: "Tax and Spend, Again and Again" The "Tax and Spend Democrats" was the battle cry of the GOP for the last quarter of the 20th Century. Dinosaurs like Senator Robert Byrd of West Virginia show that the species is not yet extinct.
- " � Robert Byrd �" Here's the link to the Roll Call article on Robert Byrd.

- " � William Randolph Hearst �" It has become part of American journalistic lore that when Hearst sent illustrator Frederick Remington to Havana to draw
images of the Spanish-American War, Remington is reported to have wired Hearst that everything was quiet in Havana.
The return memo -- which is probably not factually correct -- from Hearst read: "Please remain. You furnish the pictures and I'll furnish the war."
That memo - real or not - marks the beginning of yellow journalism in the US.
- " � pork barrel �" According to William Safire's Political Dictionary, the phrase probably is derived from the pre-Civil War practice of periodically distributing salt pork to slaves from huge barrels. Sometimes, the slaves would rush the barrel and each would strive to grab as much as possible for himself.
Pork Barrel is now used to describe the rush - usually at the end of a Session - by Representatives and Senators to get as many goodies for their district or state as possible.
- Mullings' Catchy Caption of the Day:
Joseph Lieberman thinks unkind thoughts about The MSS Hillary
-- AP Photo/Kenneth Lambert
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