
A Crisis is When Your Lights Go Out; A Catastrophe is When MY Lights Go Out
Monday May 14, 2001
- TITLE: "� An Energy Catastrophe is When MY Lights Go Out" There's an old economics saying that it's a recession if you're out of work. It's a depression if I'm out of work. Same goes for the energy situation: It's a crisis when your lights go out. It's a catastrophe when MY lights go out.
- "� El Paso Energy �" Here is the link to the
San Francisco Chronicle web site and the article on El Paso Energy, the State of California, and the Pacific Gas & Electric
- "�Andy, Karen, Karl, Scooter, Mary, Don, Spence, Gale, Norm, Condi, Mitch,
Larry, Josh, Nick, Cesar �" The decodes are as follows:
Andy Card - Chief of Staff
Karen Hughes - Counsellor to the President
Karl Rove - Senior Advisor to the President
Condoleezza "Condi" Rice - National Security Advisor
Josh Bolton - Deputy Chief of Staff for Policy
Nick Calio - Assistant to the President for Legislative Affairs
Lewis "Scooter" Libby - Chief of Staff to the Vice President
Mary Matalin - Counsellor to the Vice President
Cesar Conda - Assistant to the Vice President for Domestic Policy
Don Evans - Secretary of Commerce
Spence Abraham - Secretary of Energy
Gale Norton - Secretary of the Interior
Norm Mineta - Secretary of Transportation
Mitch Daniels - Director, Office of Management and Budget
Larry Lindsay - Director, National Economic Council

- "� Hitchhiker's Guide �" A search on the term "Hitchhiker's Guide" returns exactly 16,000 hits on Google.
Including this one: "A Hitchhiker's Guide to Fractal Compression For Beginners"
Ok. Panic.

- "� Perry Como �" It's Impossible: (peak Billboard position # 10 in 1970) English
words by Sid Wayne and Music by Armando Manzanero.
- "... Travelogue ..." Click here to read the first installment of
Currying Favor; A Trip to India!
- Mullings' Catchy Caption of the Day:
Rich before the shots Rich AFTER his shots
he got preparatory to
his trip to India
-- Reuters Photo/Savita Kirloskar
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