"� Chanteuse �": From the Merriam-Webster Unabridged
Main Entry: chan�teuse
Pronunciation: ()sh�n|t(r)z, -�n.|-, -tz, -t�z; ()shan.|t�z
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural chan�teuses \-(r)z(z), -z(z), -�zz\
Etymology: French, feminine of chanteur
: a female singer; especially : a woman who sings in concert halls or nightclubs
Mullfoto of the Day:
Walking down King Street in Old Town, Alexandria the other day I ran into this.
Assume you are the mother of the bride and you are looking for a place to have your daughter buy her bridal gown - armed with the best possible information. How confident would you be walking into this store?