Gone Fishing

Friday, May 3, 2002
 TITLE: "Gone Fishing " A sign which allegedly was hung on the door of shops in small towns across America in a simpler age when fishing holes existed without the benefit of an environmental impact statement.
This type of vista is so ubiquitous around Alaska that you sometimes forget to ooh and ahh.
This is a picture of me aboard the Glacier Bear
not posing at all. I just happened to be standing at the rail, smiling, when this guy came by with my camera.
This is called "The Eye of the Needle." When I
spotted it, I excitedly said there was a "hole in the rock." I was told (somewhat sternly, I thought) that the more formal name for this type of formation in Alaska was, "a cave."
Here are the fish our boat caught. The winner is the
third from the left. I do not believe the fish think this is as much fun as we do.
British World War I Poster
- Mullings' Catchy Caption of the Day:
Yasser Arafat signals to his supporters with the
standard Palestinian sign: "We're Number Two."
(Photo: AFP)
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