"� Conference Reports ..."
In your seventh grade "How a Bill Becomes Law" you read that a bill must pass both the House and the Senate. Bills which pass both Chambers are often similar, but are almost never identical.
The House and Senate versions are sent to a "Conference Committee" made up of Senators and Representatives to hammer out the differences.
When (or if) a compromised is reached, the output is called a "Conference Report" (the report of the Conference Committee). It is usually referred to in the daily calendars as "Conference Report XXX-107 to accompany H.R. (or S. if the underlying bill is carrying a Senate number) YYYY."
Conference Reports cannot be amended in either the House or the Senate. They can be accepted as is; Rejected outright; Or, a vote can be taken to "recommit" the report "with instructions" to that Chamber's conferees to insist on the inclusion or exclusion of specific language in a specific section.
It is also in this Conference Committee process when a great deal of the skullduggery associated with "earmarks" in appropriations bills is engaged in.
Mullfoto of the Day
Part I of a pair of photos in honor of James Doohan who played "Mr. Scott" on the original Star Trek series and in seven movies. Doohan was 85 when he passed away in July of 2005.
I understand that "Live Long and Prosper" is the greeting attributed to Mr. Spock and other Vulcans, but we'll suspend disbelief just one more time and credit this to Scott.
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Catchy Caption of the Day
Actual Caption:
"Spaceloft XL" successfully launches in Truth or Consequences, New Mexico April 28, 2007. UP Aerospace "Spaceloft XL" carried the cremated remains of 202 clients including the ashes of James Doohan, the actor who played 'Scottie' on Star Trek.
That is very cool. By the way, Mr. Scott's first name was ... Montgomery which I didn't know until I looked it up for this SDR.
(Jessica Rinaldi/Reuters)