A Few Last Elian Points
Wednesday, April 26, 2000
- TITLE "A Few Last Elian Points" I'm weary of writing about this, but there are a few more things I want to say …
- "Craig has a briefcase full of IOUs…" Greg Craig was the attorney who handled a good deal of the public legal proceedings during the Impeachment Trial. This was done, in large part, because the first lawyer, David Kendall, looked like Howdy Doody with really, really bad cramps and irritated even the people who were supporting Clinton.
- "What in the Wide, Wide World of Sports is a'goin' on here?" Is one of the many memorable lines from the Mel Brooks movie, Blazing Saddles,.
- "Bush was in Dayton with four - count 'em folks …" Of the two current members, one is a State Representative and Chairman of the House Appropriations Committee, the other is a sitting Democratic State Senator.
- "…The Lad …" This would be the sainted son, Reed, who does advance for George W's campaign.
- Here is the close up of That Picture from the Ft. Lauderdale Sun-Sentinal again:
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