Well, THAT Wasn't Pretty
Monday, April 24, 2000
- TITLE "Well, THAT Wasn't Pretty" I continue to believe, no matter what your position on the whole Elian deal, you could not have felt comfortable watching that whole thing come down.
- Here is the close up of That Picture (from the Ft. Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel):

- "If Lee Greenwood were dead - which he is not
" Lee Greenwood's signature song is "God Bless the USA" -- which is also known as "I'm Proud to be an American."
- "
he came out against killer hot water heaters
" From an AP dispatch last week: "The government is proposing tougher efficiency standards for residential water heaters, Vice President Al Gore announced today, the latest in a number of environmental initiatives from Gore's office as Earth Day approaches."
- "Vagina Monoglogues" This, from the AP: "Actress and television personality Donna Hanover, the wife of Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, is joining the cast of the sexually frank off-Broadway hit "The Vagina Monologues" next month.
"Beginning May 30, Hanover will take over a lead role in the play written by Eve Ensler, a personal friend and political supporter of Hillary Rodham Clinton, Giuliani's opponent in the U.S. Senate race."
- That story ran three times on the AP on April 21. The headline for the first write-thru was "Giuliani Wife Joining 'Vagina' Play" which moved at 7:25 AM. At 8:44 AM - an hour and 19 minutes later - the same story moved on the wire but the headline had been changed to: "Giuliani Wife Going Off-Broadway."
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