French Politics and Other Ironies

Monday, April 22, 2002
- TITLE: "French Politics and Other Ironies" I don't know; it had a sort of Dorothy Parker/Algonquin Round Table feeling to it.
- "... International Herald Tribune ..." Here is the link to the IHT article on the election results. The International Herald Tribune, you should remember, is published from Paris and is co-owned by the New York Times and the Washington Post.
- "... Goofball Tour ..." Here is the link to the Washington Post article about the demonstrations in Washington this weekend.
- "... E! ..." Here is the link to the E! Twisted Sister/MSNBC article.
- "... Lost Highway ..."
 On the poster the three featured actors are: Bill Pullman, Patricia Arquette, and Balthazar Getty. No Robert Blake.
Maybe it's just me, but when your career has gone to the point where Balthazar Getty gets billing on the poster and your character doesn't even have his own name; you don't need a bodyguard.
World War II Poster
- Mullings' Catchy Caption of the Day:
So Near Yet So Far, Dept: You just know they thought that the
WHITEbriar resort at GREEN Sulphur Springs was going to
be the big tourist resort.
Photo: Rich Galen/Mullmobile Photos
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