Save a Tree! Do Not Print This Out.
Friday, April 21, 2000
- TITLE "Save a Tree! Do Not Print This Out." It's Earth Day tomorrow, man.
- "� twist slowly, slowly in the wind �" This is one of the famous phrases from the Watergate era. One of the Nixon higher-ups - H.R. Haldeman, John Erlichman, or Chuck Colson - suggested someone be left to "twist slowly, slowly in the wind."
- "72 spaceships are being fueled as we speak." For those who have not been paying attention in class every day, this is a reference to the Clinton trip to India and Pakistan which included some 72 U.S. Air Force aircraft. To see the column on this issue click here. This material will be on the final.
- "�to remove splinters �" A stupid reference to hugging a tree as in "tree huggers" as in environmentalists.
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