Toujours L'Dunce

Friday, April 18, 2003
- TITLE: "Toujours L'Dunce" This is a pun on the title of Mullings from Wednesday (L'Audace, L'Audace, Tourjours L'Audace). Don't you think it's cool we can pun in two languages?
- "... Subscription Drive ..."
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- "... Can we all get along ..." In 1992 a Black motorist named Rodney King was stopped by LA police and beaten up - an act which was captured on video tape. The four officers involved were charged with assault and battery but were acquitted. LA erupted into four days of violence which resulted in 55 people dead, more than 2,300 injured and 1,100 buildings destroyed.
In an attempt to dampen the violence, King went on television and uttered his famous question, "Can we all just get along?"
The Federal government brought new charges against two of the officers under Federal civil rights statutes. They were convicted.
- "... Rodney King ..." Here's the link to the Reuters piece about Mr. King's mistaking a house for a freeway entrance..
- "... Newsday ..." Here's the link to the Newsday article about the French Ambassador's speech.
- "... European Union ..." Here's the link to the Washington Post piece about the European Union meeting in Athens.
- "... Bush ..." Here's the link to the piece about President Bush's challenge to the UN to lift sanctions against Iraq.
- "... Clinton ..." Here's the link to the Toronto Globe and Mail piece about Canada's favorite former President.
- "... Canadian PM ..." Here's the link to the Reuters piece about Canadian PM Jean Chretien's desire to get along with the Bush Administration.
- "... Inspector Renault ... " Claude Raines, as the Prefect of Police in Casablanca, is ordered to shut down the bar after the Germans lose a national-anthem-singing-contest to the French (the only thing the French won in WWII and that was in a movie). Asked what is the reason for the shut-down, Renault replies "I'm shocked ... shocked to find that gambling is going on in here." At that point an employee of the bar hands Renault his winnings which Renault happily accepts with no sense of irony.
- Mullfoto of the Day:

With Lisa Klinghoffer - daughter of Leon Klinghoffer who was murdered aboard the Achille Lauro in 1985 - in the Green Room at the Fox News Channel studio in New York on Wednesday.
Mullfoto by Ilsa Klinghoffer
World War II Poster
- Mullings' Catchy Caption of the Day:
Unfortunately, Peter Arnett had already escaped.
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