L'Audace, L'Audace, Toujours L'Audace

Friday, April 16, 2003
- TITLE: "L'Audace, L'Audace, Toujours L'Audace" "Audacity, Audacity, always with Audacity" Frederick II (The Great) of Prussia. 1712-1786. He is considered one of the great military thinkers of all time.
Frederick was, according to at least one source the third son of his parents named "Frederick," the first two Fredericks having died in infancy. Had there been five more, Herman's Hermits could have had a follow-up to their brilliant song, "I'm Henry the Eighth I am."
 George C. Scott won an Oscar (which he refused to pick up) as best actor for his portrayal of George S. Patton who used this quote in the movie. The screenplay, by the way, was written by a young film school grad: Francis Ford Coppola.
- "... Subscription Drive ..."
Haven't Subscribed yet? Take a look here.
- "... $1.35 Trillion ..." Here's a description of the bill by the Americans for Democratic Action - one of the most Liberal interest groups in the nation:
HR 1836 - Adoption of the conference report on the bill to reduce taxes by $1.35 trillion through fiscal 2011 through income tax rate cuts, relief of the "marriage penalty," phase-out of the federal estate tax, doubling of the child tax credit, and new incentives for retirement savings. A new 10 percent tax rate would be created retroactive to January 1. The bill would double the $5000-per-child tax credit by 2010 and make it refundable, raise the estate tax exemption to $1 million in 2002 and repeal the tax in 2010, increase the standard deduction for married couples to double that of singles over five years, beginning in 2005, and increase annual contributions limits for Individual Retirement Accounts. The bill's provisions would expire December 31, 2010. Adopted 58-33. May 26, 2001. A no vote is a +.
Note the last six words. They show you why the Left is in such trouble in America.
- "... Poll ..." Here's the link to the poll which, according to MSNBC, shows George W. Bush should just order a stack of cardboard boxes and start packing.
- "... Martha Burk ..." From her website:
Dr. Martha Burk is a political psychologist and women's equity expert who is co-founder and President of the Center for Advancement of Public Policy, a research and policy analysis organization in Washington, D.C. Dr. Burk is currently serving as Chair of the National Council of Women's Organizations, a network of over 100 national women's groups collectively representing six million women.
- Mullfoto of the Day:

Yet another good reason
not to live in San Francisco.
World War I Poster
(James Montgomery Flagg)
- Mullings' Catchy Caption of the Day:
Ok. Let's go over this again:
Even in Baghdad.
The chair sits on the ground.
You sit on the chair.
(AFP Photo/Odd Andersen)
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