The Dems in the House

Friday, April 5, 2002
- TITLE: "The Dems in the House " It is useful to remember that the Democrats controlled the U.S. House continuously for 40 years prior to the GOP victory in the elections of 1994.
- "... Juliet Eilperin ..." Here's the link to the Washington Post article.
- "... White House ..."
When you see television reporters speaking to you from the White House (which is called "doing a stand-up") they are doing it from this area which is called, for obvious reasons, "the beach"
World War I Poster
- Mullings' Catchy Caption of the Day:
This photo, from the Newsweek/MSNBC website alleges Clinton
is seen attending an Oxford University alumni function. It comes as no surprise
that he seems to be extremely interested in the alumnae.
Photo: Newsweek
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