What's the Good Word?
Friday March 30, 2001
- TITLE: "What's the Good Word?" I didn't have much here. I tried for the opening line from the My Fair Lady song, "Show Me": Words, words, words, I'm so sick of words, but that didn't work. I thought about the Mamas and the Papas song, "Words of Love" but that didn't make any sense.
- "… misuse of the word omission …" The correct word, of course, was "admission."
- Encomium
Main Entry: en.co.mi.um
Pronunciation: en-'kO-mE-&m
Function: noun
Etymology: Latin, from Greek enkOmion, from en in + kOmos revel, celebration
Date: 1589
Inflected Form(s): plural -mi.ums or en.co.mia /-mE-&/
: glowing and warmly enthusiastic praise; also : an expression of this
synonyms ENCOMIUM, EULOGY, PANEGYRIC, TRIBUTE, CITATION mean a formal expression of praise. ENCOMIUM implies enthusiasm and warmth in praising a person or a thing. EULOGY applies to a prepared speech or writing extolling the virtues and services of a person. PANEGYRIC suggests an elaborate often poetic compliment. TRIBUTE implies deeply felt praise conveyed either through words or through a significant act. CITATION applies to the formal praise accompanying the mention of a person in a military dispatch or in awarding an honorary degree.
- Panegyric
Main Entry: pan.e.gy.ric
Pronunciation: "pa-n&-'jir-ik, -'jI-rik
Function: noun
Etymology: Latin panegyricus, from Greek panEgyrikos, from panEgyrikos of or for a festival assembly, from panEgyris festival assembly, from pan- + agyris assembly; akin to Greek ageirein to gather
Date: 1603
: a eulogistic oration or writing; also : formal or elaborate praise
synonym see ENCOMIUM
- pan.e.gy.ri.cal /-'jir-i-k&l, -'jI-ri-/ adjective
- pan.e.gy.ri.cal.ly /-k(&-)lE/ adverb
- Mullings' Catchy Caption of the Day:
I think this smile looks sincere enough, don't you?
-- REUTERS/Brad Rickerby
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