Fine Whine Friday

Friday, March 29, 2002
- TITLE: "Fine Whine Friday" Maybe I'll make this a regular feature. Just sit back and be cranky. Hey, Rich? How would we be able to tell the difference from how you are, you know, regular?
- "� Twisted Sister �" I have know idea how I even know that there is even such a group as "Twisted Sister." It's what happens when there's no good Hopalong Cassidy movies on.
- "� David Espo �" Mr. Espo is the AP's senior Congressional Correspondent and when he says it was
signed grudgingly, by golly it was signed grudgingly. Here's a link to
Espo piece.
- "... BBC Chronology ..." Here's a link to the short, unhappy history endured by
- "... Joe Klein ..." Here's the link to the Slate piece on Al Gore.
World War I Poster
- Mullings' Catchy Caption of the Day:
President Bush gives ammunition to Sunday talk show guests
who are hoping to find evidence of his sagging popular support.
AP Photo /Dallas Morning News, Irwin Thompson
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