Let's Try Captain Kirk and Priceline Next Time
Monday, March 27, 2000
- Title: "Let's Try Captain Kirk and Priceline Next Time" William Shatner stars in a series of TV ads for the on-line reduced-price web site Priceline.com. William Shatner played Captain Kirk in the original Star Trek series.
- " … $50 million …" Recent press reports have estimated the cost of the President's trip to India, Pakistan, etc. will exceed that amount and will have used the services of 72 US Air Force aircraft.
- "Cigars and Bongos…" On a previous overseas trip - this one to Africa - Clinton received word he had won a summary judgment in the Paula Jones case. He was photographed with a cigar in his mouth playing the bongo drums. Cigars and Bongos became code for any time the Clinton/Gore Administration won a round in a scandal.
- "Mother-in-Law …" Hillary Rodham Clinton Rodham's mother went on the trip.
- "White paint to disguise airplane" In order to protect Clinton, the Secret Service and the Air Force painted an executive jet plain white. Clinton was supposed to fly to Pakistan in an regular, marked Air Force plane, but at the last second the motorcade veered off and he boarded the unmarked plane.
- "Disposable faux Secret Service agents" When the President arrived in Pakistan, the empty plane taxied up to the place where he was supposed to arrive, complete with welcoming crowds, speaking stand and so forth. We can only assume that fake Secret Service agents were also placed there to make it look good. The question, then, is who were those guys and how disposable were they if something HAD gone wrong?
- "POTUS" Acronym for President of the United States
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