"� Obama in Iowa ... ": Here's the USA Today coverage of President Obama's appearance in Iowa City yesterday.
Mullfoto of the Day
This was in one of those "Sky Mall" magazines which are in the seatpockets of commercial airliners and, if the only reading materials you have are all on your Kindle because you're sooooo smart and don't have to schlep books along ... this is all you have to read when anything with a battery has to be "in the off position."
This particular item is a "Head Spa Masssager" and sells for $49.95. The copy says "It's rechargable battery makes it totally portable and easy to use anytime and anywhere."
I'm going to buy one and wear it to a speed dating event and see how many offers I get. As a, you know, experiment.
Looks like a character from a 1930's Buster Crabbe "Flash Gordon" serial.
Catchy Caption of the Day
Actual Caption:
Air New Zealand has apologised for a staff training manual that warned that many Tongan passengers would attempt to guzzle all of a plane's booze
Who wrote the training manual, Crocodile Dundee?
(AFP/File/Greg Wood)