Can We Say "Vernal" On the Air?
Wednesday March 21, 2001
- TITLE: "Can We Say "Vernal" On the Air?" Yesterday marked the occasion of the Vernal Equinox which I always thought sounded a bit naughty. The Vernal Equinox signals the first day of Spring when day and night are equal at about 12 hours each and from this point until the Autumnal Equinox the days will be longer than the nights.
- "…Colonel Kurtz …" The Marlon Brando character in the 1979 Francis Ford Coppola classic "Apocalpyse Now" which also starred Robert Duvall and Martin Sheen. "Oh, the horror," one of Brando's most famous quotes (after "If it weren't for me you'd be a handbag") is from this movie.
- " …they would wear togas..." Just like the Senators in ancient Rome.
- "… Cardozo School of Law …" I actually called the Cardozo School of Law to determine how many of these peace prizes have been awarded, thinking maybe they go back to the World War I era. The answer? This was the second. The first was last year.
- Mullings' Catchy Caption of the Day:
"Thank you for inducting me into the Rock 'n Roll
Hall of Fame. I haven't changed. I'll never change"
-- REUTERS/Brad Rickerby
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