Bei Mir Bist Du Shoen
Monday March 19, 2001
- TITLE: "Bei Mir Bist Du Shoen" Pronounced: "By Meer Bist Doo Shane" is the title of a pre-World War II song made famous by the Andrews Sisters. It translates to: "I think you're swell" more or less.
I used it in the title here because it was the only song title I could think of with the word Mir in its title.
"…Dr. Strangelove …" A very, very strange 1964 movie directed by Stanley Kubrick and starring Peter Sellers in three roles, George C. Scott, Keenan Wynn, Sterling Hayden, and many others. At the end of the film, Slim Pickens' character, Major T. J. "King" Kong, rides a bomb down from his B-52.
- " …Yugoslavia in 1980." The Communist ruler of Yugoslavia, Marshall Tito (real name Josip Broz) died in 1980. Following the end of his iron rule, events moved fairly directly to the armed conflicts in that region.
- "…homburg …" A hat which looks like this:
- "…Barbour. Or Mills" Hailey Mills who made a career out of playing herself and her twin in the Parent Trap movies, of which there were four. The Parent Trap (1961); The Parent Trap II (1986), The Parent Trap III (1989); and The Parent Trap Hawaiian Honeymoon (1989).
Haley Barbour is the former chairman of the Republican National Committee.
- Mullings' Catchy Caption of the Day:
"What do I think about Foot-and-Mouth? I'll have this stout-in-mouth and let you know."
-- AP Photo/John Cogill
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